Greetings Sista's

Greetings My Sisters, and Fellas,
I have joined the ranks of those who are desperately in Love with their Sisterlocks. I begin by giving much thanks to my dear friend, though we have never met, Blaqkofi. You are my inspiration. Thank you so much for all you have contributed to us newbies, as you so carefully and maticulously documented your journey. You are Beautiful inside and out. (Blaqkofi's blog ) I also want to thank my Wonderful Husband, Rafael, for all of his support and Loving Kindness as I embarked upon this new journey of self discovery.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

6 Months Locked
Here are my sisterlocks at 6 months compaired to my locks at 1 month (top photo). I knew to expect the scalp to show in the beginning, however; that didn't last long. I prefer to roll with the perm rods after washing at this stage. The curls last about a week. I Love the curly look. At night I cover them with a silk scarf. You can clearly see just how much the hair thickens between the 1st and 6th months. I Love My Sisterlocks!!!


Lakia said...

Your locks are pretty. Congratulations on getting married!

Redrose said...

Thank You Sis,

Your locks are very beautiful as well.